The Sacraments of Reconciliation & First Holy Communion

Penance? Confession? Reconciliation?

These are the names we use when we refer to the Sacrament of Penance. Previously many older people would have only used the name Confession. Younger people may have grown up with the name Reconciliation. The formal name used in Church Documents is Penance.



Children aged 7 onwards may be considered for preparation for the sacrament of Reconcilitaion and the sacrament of Eucharist. Parents decide when their children are ready to prepare for the sacrament of Reconcilitaion and the sacrament of Eucharist. Consultation with your parish priest is both advisable and important.


A Timeline is sent to parishes in July for the following year suggesting dates for parent meetings and sacramental celebrations. Children work with their parents doing six lessons before First Reconciliation and six Lessons before First Holy Communion.


If you have any questions regarding the reception of the sacrament of Reconciliation or the sacrament of First Holy Communion please visit your Parish Priest and/or the Pastoral Assistant in your parish.

Parents are invited to an inquiry session which may help with their decision on the enrolment of children.

Usually there is a leader or a small group who facilitate the four sessions with parents, distributing three lessons at each session. The plan is for parents to work through one lesson each week with their children and return the completed lesson for review at the weekend.

The Christchurch Diocese produced and uses the resource entitled "Sharing in the Life of Christ" (produced in 1996 & revised 2003).

For more details on the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist please contact:

Alex Chia, Parish Formation & Liturgy Adviser (Phone: 03 353 0756;  Email: