Mike Nolan

MEdL (ACU), Grad Bus Qual (Perth), BSc (Cant), Dip Tch (ChCh)

Position: Manager Catholic Education Office

Summary CV:


2001- Manager - Catholic Education Office, Christchurch
2000 Principal, Aspect ILA, Auckland
1997-1999 Assistant Principal, Jerudong International School, Brunei
1990-1996 Principal, Catholic Cathedral College, Christchurch
1989 Deputy Principal, Catholic Cathedral College
1987-1988 HOD Mathematics, Catholic Cathedral College, Christchurch
1985-1986 HOD Mathematics, Xavier College, Christchurch


Summary of Major Responsibilities:

Manager Catholic Education Office
  • to provide professional leadership and development of the Catholic Education Office staff;
  • to ensure the continued development of the delivery of the national Religious Education programme and the enhancement of the Catholic Special Character in the schools of the Catholic Diocese of Christchurch;
  • to ensure the Bishop's proprietorial responsibilities and interests in school buildings is safeguarded, developed and enhanced;
  • to ensure the effective financial management of the Catholic Education Office.